Misplacement Game Arc 1, Chapter 20, Part 2

Chapter 20b Happy Holidays! This wolf has finished PhD applications so perhaps the schedule will become a bit more regular now.

Misplacement Game Arc 1, Chapter 19

Happy Halloween!!!! Best time of year to read spooky ghost stories. Has this wolf mentioned yet how much I ADORE horror BL..... If any of you actually read Chinese, do check out my reading list!! There's so many amazing untranslated horror BL out there ah~ One more chapter before we wrap up this first arc!!!!... Continue Reading →

Scattering IQ Arc 4, Chapter 64

This chapter felt quite long while I was translating it, but I dunno could be just me. Hope you had a good week! And to my fellow Canadians, hope you had a good feast at Thanksgiving! Here's the chapter.

Scattering IQ Arc 4, Chapter 63, Part 2

This extra chapter is kindly sponsored by Sleepymango123, Katharina B, Samantha M, Sue C, and Samantha H! ❤ ❤ And to those of you who left me notes along with your donations, thank you 🙂 They made me smile. Chapter 63b

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